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Facilities management

The outsourced building services that Ounet offers through its Facility Management Division relieves clients from having to distract their human resources from their institutional objectives, and at the same time provides a better form of internal organisation and a competitive economic advantage.

After first carrying out a thorough examination of the property asset concerned, in a targeted consulting session we determine maintenance objectives and strategies and plan its control and supervision, assuring clients of improved organisational methods and the correct assessment of the financial aspects involved.

Our aim is to succeed in supporting you with a complete range of integrated services, which include all the technical, administrative and operational activities that will:

  • preserve the value of the asset
  • carry out functional improvements to systems
  • control safety at work
  • check that work is done promptly and at a competitive price
  • ensure that spaces and equipment are used in the most appropriate manner

Experts who are becoming increasingly specialised and irreplaceable are needed to carry out all these services, but with us, you can have them performed only needing to call on Ounet Facilities Management Division, a single management centre which works synergically and makes all the necessary arrangements.

Ounet Facility Management Division mainly handles:

  • building maintenance
  • systems maintenance
  • maintenance of parks and gardens

The Ounet Facility Management Division makes use of highly qualified professionals with solid experience that has been acquired during long years of performing various kinds of work for major public corporations, administrations, companies, firms and clients.

Our organisational structure is divided into skills sectors, each under an expert manager who operates by forming flexible groups on the basis of the nature and complexity of the objectives that have been set, while always observing a long-established habit of working with a team in dealing with the issues involved in the service that has been requested and deciding on the methods in which the service is to be delivered.

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